Run a coupon based affiliate program

Give out unique coupons for each affiliates to track their referrals.

In this doc let's learn about the below steps in detail:

  • Creating unique coupon code via Shopify

  • Associating the unique coupon code for affiliate

Step 1: Creating unique coupon code via Shopify

Go to Shopify -> Discounts -> click on Create discount

From the popup choose the discount type you are trying to give for affiliate's referrals (affiliate's network of followers)

I'm creating a cart discount (Amount off order) for example.

Choose the method as "Discount code" and click on "Generate". While clicking on generate, a unique coupon code will get generated automatically by shopify.

Note: Here we can manually enter coupon code too. For example: get10%off.

For example: I'm generating a unique coupon code. Set the discount type as 10% and Save this coupon code.

Step 2: Associating the unique coupon code for affiliate

Go to Shopify -> Apps -> choose ReferralGo -> Members tab -> Affiliate -> choose any affiliate

Choose an affiliate here and click on the "Your affiliate coupons"

From the popup, copy the created coupon via Shopfiy, paste it and click on Add.

Note: This coupon code should be exactly the same as coupon code created via Shopify. ie..,while typing here, there shouldn't be any typo. Hence, it is suggestible to copy the coupon code and paste it.

Now, we have successfully associated the coupon for affiliate's referrals (affiliate's network of followers).

So while network of followers placing an order using the affiliate link, they can use this unique Shopify coupon to get discounts.

Then, affiliates will earn commission for this sale as per our configuration via ReferralGo app.

Last updated