Payouts to your affiliates

Learn how to payout to your affiliates using the RefferalGo app in a few simple steps.

Let's see what are the different ways to payout the commissions earned by affiliates in detail.

The different ways are:

  • from Members tab (as an administrator)

  • from Reports tab(as an administrator)

  • from Affiliate Dashboard (as an Affiliate)

1.From Members tab:

Navigate to Shopify -> choose ReferralGo app -> Members tab -> from three dots choose Affiliate

Search for the affiliate using the name or email and from the "Unpaid Commission" section click on "Pay" button.

Then from the pop-up, we can either pay as commission directly or as coupon.

Amount - enter the amount, you are trying to give payout as

Note - we can add note for affiliates while giving it and affiliate can view it from Affiliate Dashboard or via Email

Coupon - If we give the amount as coupon, affilitaes can use it in his future orders and affiliate can view the coupons from Affiliate Dashboard or via Email. (enable this checkout only if required)

2.From Reports tab:

Navigate to Shopify -> choose ReferralGo app -> Reports tab -> choose Payouts

Click on "Pay" button

Then from the pop-up, we can either pay as commission directly or as coupon.

Amount - enter the amount, you are trying to give payout as

Comments - we can add description for affiliates while giving payouts and affiliate can view it from Affiliate Dashboard or via Email

Coupon - If we give the amount as coupon, affilitaes can use it in his future orders and affiliate can view the coupons from Affiliate Dashboard or via Email. (enable this checkbox only if required)

3.From Affiliate Dashboard:

Go to store front end -> Advocate/ Affiliate dashboard

Click on "Convert as coupon" button.

Then, from here affiliate convert his commission as coupon and use it in his future orders as discount.

While payout currently, you have to pay manually. Automatic payout like integration with paypal and stripe is our pipeline.

Last updated